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Become a member of Transport Action

Membership of Transport Action Prairie Region is open to everyone who subscribes to our belief in the need for sustainable public transport, including passengers, consumers, municipal, provincial and federal agencies and departments, labour unions, companies and interest groups.  Membership of Transport Action Prairie Region automatically includes membership in Transport Action Canada, our affiliated national organization.

Membership imparts voting rights in meetings of Transport Action Prairie Region and participation rights on committees or on the Board of Directors.  Members receive subscriptions to our newsletters and also receive periodic email messages on topics of interest.

You can join us securely online using the form below:

Transport Action Canada and Transport Action Prairie Region depend on ordinary people taking out memberships and sending in donations.  Without your support, Transport Action would not survive.  No one would get the consumer’s point of view.  Each year, Transport Action regularly makes news talking about issues such as urban transit, intercity passenger rail and bus, freight rail, rail safety and related environmental topics.

Encourage your friends to support, join and donate to Transport Action.